There'll Be Days Like This...

I often wonder why we like some people and dislike others. Right off the bat, without even knowing anything about the other person, I can pretty much sense whether we're going to get along famously, or not at all. I suppose over the years, I have honed my intuition, or my intuition has honed me enough to get a sense of people. And some people are just going to rub me the wrong way. I'm pretty awesome, but I'm just not good enough to love everybody the same (if you're thinking 'is she talking about me?' the answer is probably no).

Today was interesting...besides being mopey for half of the day, and then fighting a headache during the other half, I also rediscovered some old Chorale music on my computer (A Procession Winding Around Me, Whittaker's Water Night,...) that while beautiful made me even more sad. At the end of the workday, I just wanted to go to sleep I was so exhausted from trying to keep it together, but I had plans with friends: the Eat Pray Love premier (no, Julia Roberts didn't show, but I was dressed for a red carpet event, let me tell you).

The movie was absolutely wonderful, and true enough to the book, but it was even more of an emotional roller coaster than my day had been, and it reminded me of aspects of my life that I struggle with. And while being surrounded by friends was fun, it didn't blunt the fact that at the end of the day I would have to deal with these issues alone.

Besides the hilarious cat video Deb sent me, my absolute beacon of light today was lunch with Heather, who I am so blessed to be partnered with on this Retreat planning deal (whatever were we thinking accepting this thing?). I can feel her love and good wishes even now. Heather was one of those people who I instantly liked when I met her three years ago. In the South they would say "she's just good people."

So, right now, I'm very, very tired. I'm less sad than I was this morning. And I am grateful for the wonderful people who have crossed my path and shared my life. And then tomorrow, hopefully, will be a better day. I'm counting on it.


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