There's No Such Thing As A Free Baseball Bat
Or is there?
After the crappy last two weeks I've had, I'm at a point where very little surprises me anymore. People who I would have bet money on to say they would judge me, listened with open arms and supportive hearts. Things I could have sworn were true were just in my imagination. And ancient history brought out truths about a friend that I would never have expected.
And when I got home today, I had a package waiting. I opened it only to guessed it, a baseball bat. My first reaction was "What the hell?" My second reaction was "Is this a mistake?" Closely followed by "Don't they know I'm a girl who doesn't do sports?" Only to come to the realization that this was very fitting for a time in my life at which I wanted to beat the living shit out of things. Perfect.
Apparently, I won it for signing up for digital access cable. What do you know? Giving up the war on technology will actually get you prizes. But no, I'm not keeping it. Let someone else share in the joy. I prefer to cure my frustrations through yoga, and through spending time with the wonderful women in my life. I'll share some stories about them in another blog post :)
After the crappy last two weeks I've had, I'm at a point where very little surprises me anymore. People who I would have bet money on to say they would judge me, listened with open arms and supportive hearts. Things I could have sworn were true were just in my imagination. And ancient history brought out truths about a friend that I would never have expected.
And when I got home today, I had a package waiting. I opened it only to guessed it, a baseball bat. My first reaction was "What the hell?" My second reaction was "Is this a mistake?" Closely followed by "Don't they know I'm a girl who doesn't do sports?" Only to come to the realization that this was very fitting for a time in my life at which I wanted to beat the living shit out of things. Perfect.
Apparently, I won it for signing up for digital access cable. What do you know? Giving up the war on technology will actually get you prizes. But no, I'm not keeping it. Let someone else share in the joy. I prefer to cure my frustrations through yoga, and through spending time with the wonderful women in my life. I'll share some stories about them in another blog post :)
This is so funny (the fact that you randomly got a baseball bat in the mail), but the feeling that you have actually won something is great! Let's catch up soon!