Teaching - Week 4 Recap

So, this was the last real week of teaching, seeing as I'll be in Germany for two weeks starting Friday, and after I get back it's just a alumni guest-speaker and the SA panel. But it was a good week. Monday was note-taking, and to kick off the class, we had four students present their journal entries: one power point, a ukulele duet and a guitar solo. It was fun to walk into the class with a guitar case on the floor and a guy tuning and strumming Stone Temple Pilot's Interstate Love Song.

I thought the songs were both absolutely awesome. I was so proud of my kids for getting up the nerve to go up there and work it out. Gerard was totally calm, Demi looked all kinds of cute and Ryan..well his chord progressions are genius. He reminded me of the old Kurt Cobain in the MTV Unplugged recordings.

In general, these kids are so creative with their journaling methods: besides regular papers, I'm getting 2 scrapbooks, 2 videos, a blog, a website, 5 power points, a postcard, a facebook note and a skype chat. And all of these methods actually work!

I'm going to miss these kids when I'm gone, but I'm leaving them in very good hands. And, Lord knows, this is a much needed time away!


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