"Sex & the City 2" or "Letters 2 Juliet"?

Two friends...two very different movies. My preference? Juliet...of course.

Lisa and I went to see 'Sex and the City 2' (R). As a matter of fact, her e-mail read 'how do you feel about Sex in the City (the movie...nothing personal)?' Dinner at the Olive Garden was awesome, because, well.."do you know what you want to order?" - "No, no we don't." Maniacal laughter ensued. Tiny little inside joke...guess you'd have to watch SNL. Nat had warned me that the movie would be corny, but (to quote Kate Winslet from another corny movie 'The Holiday') I want more corny in my life. Sex and the City 2 was fun, boisterous, slightly offensive and colorful. And there were camels. And if nothing else, watching Liza Minnelli perform 'Single Ladies' was worth whatever outrageous price we paid for tickets :)

Mel and I watched 'Letters to Juliet' in a cheap-ass run-down theater. Well, to be honest, I dragged her...she was already exhausted from DRIVING from Chicago, and then we had, of course, an incredibly rich brunch at Saffrons, mimosas included. Uhm..this movie was rated PG, but it was awesome. It was cute, romantic, loving, quiet and thoughtful. And, of course, corny.

I enjoyed both movies, but the one I'd buy is 'Letters to Juliet.' For one, it's not 2:27 (yawn!). Instead of camels, it has a guy riding in on a horse and some other guy falling off a balcony while professing his love. And it showed me that for some people, on some planet, moving mountains and flying across the oceans is not too much to ask.

So, here's to corny..here's to hope..here's to life!


  1. "And it showed me that for some people, on some planet, moving mountains and flying across the oceans is not too much to ask." I love this and may have to borrow it. The fairytale is never too much to ask for.


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