Firsts in 2010

I often struggle with change, but more recently I have embraced trying new things. Here's the list for 2010:

- first blog :)
- first time visiting Missouri
- first visit to Austria
- first trip to Italy
- first (and last) time co-chairing the church Women's Retreat
- first time giving medicine by syringe to a rabbit (goose was easier)
- first time attacked by a goose (it was a 'wing in face' situation)
- first time having broadband and broadcast cable at my apartment...addiction
- first time having my hair professionally colored
- after 13 years of knowing each other, first time Deb & I flew on a plane together
- first time teaching a college-level class (yay for not having to give any Fs)
- first time online dating (total impulse buy, not worth the money)
- first book published
- first time seeing the Ishtar Gate in Berlin (and touching something 3,000 years old)
- first professional manicure & pedicure
- first time driving a car in Germany
- first (and hopefully last) time visiting a student in the hospital
- first time I was accused of being too friendly
- first time growing pumpkins on my balcony (didn't work)
- first time taking a horse-drawn carriage up a mountain to see a castle
- first time visiting Charlotte, NC
- first time singing 5 Christmas Concerts in one day :)

Pretty good, right? Can't wait to see what 2011 has in store. I'm feeling Canada and a Broadway play in NYC. And a new US state...maybe Tennessee? Other suggestions are welcome!


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