Singing it All Away

It's emotionally exhausting. At least, I find it should be if you are doing it right. This concert, this music covered such a range of emotions - sorrow, joy and the depths of despair. The vacillation between the extremes. It is tiring. You keep it together, so you can perform, and once it lets you go, you fall apart.
But music. What else is there?
I find that music and great friends will always lead you to your true feelings. And then comfort you when you discover them. It's odd that this would be true. But why should it not be so?
Music is what I have left that brings me joy, endlessly. It challenges me, it changes me, it fixes me. And I will love it always.
What can purge my soul of the song of the sadness?
What can purge my soul but the song of the sadness?
What, except singing, can cleanse your soul from sadness and despair? Music, nothing else, can heal us.
In my life, I have been told to be more even-keeled. To let things 'roll off.' To be neutral, because it is healthier for me. But I am nothing if not dramatic. I am passionate. I laugh, I love deeply and I cry. I love the highs and I hate the lows. I breathe and I grieve. But I am nothing in-between.
I am alive.
And while my friends want to cushion and shelter me, I cannot live an emotionless life. I can't. I will continue to surround myself with opportunities to feel deeply. To attempt, again, to find that high that makes life worthwhile.
And right now, music is what heals me. To the depths of my soul.
And I am grateful for those who bring it to my life.
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